Hazrat Ali Quotes about Death:
Are you looking for Hazrat Ali Quotes about death..? Here’re the list of imam Ali sayings about death:
1- When you have to depart from this world and have to meet death (eventually), then why wish delay (why feel nervous about death).
2- Every breath you take is a step towards death.
3- Poverty is the worst form of death.
4- Death is near and our mutual company is short.
5- Death is never very far.
6- In this world, man is a target of death, an easy prey to calamities, here every morsel and every draught is liable to choke one, here one never receives a favour until he loses another instead, here every additional day in one’s life is a day reduced from the total span of his existence, when death is the natural outcome of life, how can we expect immortality?
7- When somebody asked Imam Ali as to how he was getting on, he replied: “What do you want to know about a person whose life is leading him towards ultimate death, whose health is the first stage towards illness and whom society has forced out of his retreat”.
8- A friend cannot be considered a friend unless he is tested on three occasions: in time of
need, behind your back and after your death.
9- Endurance is composed of four attributes: eagerness, fear, piety and anticipation (of death). so whoever is eager for Paradise will ignore temptations; whoever fears the fire of Hell will abstain from sins; whoever practices piety will easily bear the difficulties of life and whoever anticipates death will hasten towards good deeds.
10- Blessed is the man who always kept the life after death in his view, who remembered the Day of Judgment through all his deeds, who led a contented life and who was happy with the lot that Allah had destined for him.
11- Time wears out bodies, renews hopes, brings death nearer and takes away aspirations. Whoever gets anything from the world lives in anxiety for holding it and whoever loses anything passes his days grieving over the loss.
Like I mentioned above, Everyone will have a different experience of dying – it’s part of what makes us unique. When you have a terminal illness, there will come a time when you start thinking more about the actual process of dying and the moments of death, and what they will be like.
In my opinion, the moral of Hazrat Ali Quotes about death is; life is short and death is forever..